Sara Knizhnik’s Fundraiser

Benefitting: The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence
Event Fundraiser: Strides For Peace - 2019 Race Against Gun Violence
Hello. My name is Sara Knizhnik, and I am the Organizer of the Illinois Gun Violence Prevention Coalition - over 170 member organizations from all over Illinois that are working together to reduce all types of gun violence in all types of communities. The ILGVP Coalition was founded by the the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence. I have joined Team ICHV for the June 6, 2019 running of Strides for Peace, in Chicago's Grant Park.
These last twenty months spent organizing the ILGVP Coalition have been some of the most rewarding - and sometimes heartbreaking - months of my life. They have been full of exhilarating highs - seeing the Gun Dealer Certification bill signed into law in Illinois after a 16-year effort to pass it - and devastating lows - standing at the side of our survivor advocates as they tell their stories of loss over and over and over again in order to advance our cause.
These survivors AND the incredible, volunteer, ILGVP Coalition advocates and activists who show up for us over and over and over again AND the courageous street outreach peacemakers who put their lives on the line every day to reduce gun violence in all of the underserved communities in Illinois … These people inspire me every day. And when I feel tired and heartbroken over yet another mass shooting in America (which happens nearly every day), I think of them and how they stay positive and keeping moving forward. And I #keep going.
It is because of them that I am asking for your support. ICHV supports their work. And their work must be supported.
As part of my 5K run, I am raising $2,000 to further the important programs and advocacy work of ICHV. Every little bit helps to accomplish this important work!
I welcome your thoughts and questions about gun violence prevention and encourage you to check out ICHV's website to learn more and the ILGVP Coalition’s website - If you live in Illinois and would like to learn more about the epidemic of gun violence in America and how you can get involved in ending it, then please join our closed, ILGVP Coaltion Facebook page. To join, type “ ILGVP Coalition” in the search bar on Facebook and click JOIN. I will then accept you.
Please accept my thanks in advance for your consideration of this request. I know this is one of many important causes you're asked to donate to, and please know I understand completely if it's not a possibility this year.
About The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence

The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence (ICHV) is the oldest and largest statewide organization in the U.S. working to prevent the devastation caused by firearms. Founded in 1975 by four suburban Chicago women concerned about the tragic consequences of handgun proliferation and availability, ICHV works on a variety of fronts to educate, raise public awareness, and build coalitions to enact change in laws and behavior.